Plumbers provide essential advice and support for energy efficient appliances and systems in our homes including hot water systems, heating and cooling systems, water storage systems, and grey water systems.
Plumbers also support these activities on commercial and industrial sites, with a critical role in supporting the adoption of energy efficient heat pump hot water systems. Managing the water and energy use of these water systems is critical to meeting our emissions reduction goals.
- Cleaning and maintenance
- Construction
- Customer service
- Environmental management
- Production processes and machinery
- Quality control and inspections
- Science and mathematics
- Work activities preparation
More information can be found in the Australian Skills Classification’s Plumber (General) occupation profile.
To become a Plumber, you must complete a Certificate III in Plumbing, which is usually combined with an apprenticeship. Plumbers are also required to maintain appropriate licenses and registrations in the state or territory in which they operate.
Plumbers wanting to specialise must complete additional elective units to work as a Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber or a Roof Plumber.
Plumbers can choose to work in homes and/or support businesses, and they can specialise in various areas including domestic hot water, drainage, gas fitting, irrigation, mechanical services and refrigerated air-conditioning.
They can advance their skills in project design and supervision by completing a Certificate IV in Plumbing Services. Or they can expand their service offering by cross-training in Certificate III in Electrotechnology, enabling them to obtain an unrestricted electrical licence and perform fixed appliance wiring connections and associated wiring upgrades in retrofits where necessary.
Read more about what Plumbers do at yourcareer.gov.au.
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